Ok, so blogging during a conference is harder than it seems, I admit. So much to catch up on! Day 3 of SXSW was Monday. The Henry Jenkins interview was fantastic. His book, Convergence Culture: Where Old and New Media Collide
has been on my to-read shelf for a couple of weeks. After hearing him talk, it's moved up to "next" on my list. He discussed the impact all the new options for media consumption has on the relationship between producers and consumers. He credits early sf fan fiction with launching much of today's convergence culture, in fact refers to himself as a "fanboy." If his book is as interesting as he was in person, it'll be a great read.
Thanks to an unannounced (at least via SMS) room change and the ridiculous layout of a recent convention center addition that forces everyone to take a circuitous route to one set of rooms I've named "the dungeon", I missed the first half of the When Communities Attack panel. On the other hand, it didn't seem that I missed much. Granted, this was one of those panels I could have given, but judging by the grumbling in the halls afterward, I wasn't alone in my disappointment. It's really clear that some of the presenters simply didn't bother to prepare, or bother to look into presentation skills 101. There was too much assuming the audience knew all the acronyms, web sites, and personalities mentioned. Unfortunately, this was pretty common. The panel I attended after that was Virtual Teaming. Again, some basic presentation skills would've been helpful. This was one of many 30-minute "power sessions". 30 minutes simply isn't enough to really cover much meaningful information, IMO. In this case, the presenters wasted 10 minutes telling us what they were going to tell us, which just doesn't work in such a short session. Could've been good. Wasn't.